Business > Business Services > AXS Pay


AXS Pay is a service that is developed specifically for the needs of the small and medium-sized enterprises ("SMEs"). This service aims to assist SMEs in transforming their mainly cheque and cash based fees collection to digital e-payment collection over the AXS payment channels.

AXS payment channels include:
  • AXS Station (self-service kiosk)
  • AXS e-Station (on desktop)
  • AXS m-Station (on mobile)

  • AXS offers SMEs a network of access points that complements their existing channels of collection, delivering greater convenience to their customers. An integrated, end-to-end solution will be developed, hosted and maintained by AXS, with financial files and reports electronically transmitted to the SME for data and financial consolidation purposes.

    A wide range of financial collection services will be available to suit the needs of various types of SMEs. As a highly convenient, secure and reliable transactional platform, partners are able to reach out to mass consumers and meet their business goals. In addition, AXS Network can provide an avenue for partners to enhance and maximise their services through marketing communications and promotional activities

    AXS Pay is now offering payment services of condominium maintenance and sinking fees spanning over 400 participating condominium, home services fee and student services/course fees.

    More home and students services will be available soon.

    The payment flow for AXS Pay:

    To find out more on AXS Payment Services, email

    Unsure of how to make payments for AXS Pay? Find out more at How to Use.