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Gain Access to Greater Protection with HL Assurance​

End Date

31 May 2025

Available On

AXS m-Station Icon

How do I sign up?​

  1. Download AXS mobile app if you haven’t done so.​
  2. There are several other ways to sign up too:
    • Go to Marketplace > Vouchers and Deals > Deals; or​
    • Go to Account > My Deals > Promotion (Select “Complimentary Fraud Protect360 Insurance”)
  3. Enter the required details to complete the application.​
  4. Once the application is accepted by HL Assurance, your complimentary Fraud Protect360 protection will be activated.
  5. To view your policy details, go to “My Account > My Vault”​.
  6. The $5 e-Voucher has been automatically added to your “My Account > My Deals (Select: Voucher) andPayment Summary Page (Select: Promo Code).

How do I sign up?​

  1. Download AXS mobile app if you haven’t done so.​
  2. There are several other ways to sign up too:
    • Go to Marketplace > Vouchers and Deals > Deals; or​
    • Go to Account > My Deals > Promotion (Select “Complimentary Fraud Protect360 Insurance”)
  3. Enter the required details to complete the application.​
  4. Once the application is accepted by HL Assurance, your complimentary Fraud Protect360 protection will be activated.
  5. To view your policy details, go to “My Account > My Vault”​.
  6. The $5 e-Voucher has been automatically added to your “My Account > My Deals (Select: Voucher) andPayment Summary Page (Select: Promo Code).