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This is AXS’s policy for handling personal data that we receive from job applicants for employment at AXS and its subsidiaries in Singapore. By submitting an application for employment, you consent to the disclosure of personal data contained in the job application for the purposes and uses set out herein.

In this policy, the following terms have the following meanings:

  • “AXS”, “we”, “us” and “our” refer to AXS Pte Ltd and its subsidiaries;
  • “employees” and “employment” refer to full time, part time and temporary employees, contract workers and such other persons who have been permitted by AXS to perform duties or functions within AXS (including but not limited to interns, consultants, and volunteers);
  • “human resources” refers to the human resources department of AXS; and
  • “job applicant” refers to any person who is not an existing employee and who submits or wishes to submit an application for employment with AXS; and
  • “job application” shall refer to an application for employment with AXS.

What personal data we collect

“Personal data” is data that can be used to identify a natural person. Examples of your personal data include your name, address, contact details, education background, employment history, references and results of employment checks.

We collect personal data about you and where required, also about other persons, such as your family members, spouse and/or children.

Your provision of personal data to us is voluntary. However, please recognize that if you choose not to provide us with the personal data we require it may not be possible for us to contact you, process your application and/or consider you for employment.

Our purposes for collection, use and disclosure of personal data

We collect personal data from you, and use such personal data for the hiring process. This includes (but is not limited to) using the personal data to:

  • Assess, administer and process your job application;
  • Contact you in respect of your job application;
  • Identify and evaluate you for other jobs or prospective jobs within AXS;
  • To monitor and review AXS recruitment procedures;
  • To validate information you provide with the references provided and to conduct employment checks; and
  • Facilitate compliance with any laws, customs and regulations which may be applicable to us.
In order to achieve the purposes stated above, we may disclose the personal data collected from you to the following third parties:
  • AXS’s affiliated entities;
  • AXS’s service providers and agents;
  • Organizations that provide and/or administer employee benefits/entitlements and/or welfare programs/schemes; and
  • Regulatory authorities, statutory bodies or public agencies.

We may disclose your identification and contact details (such as your name, NRIC or other ID number and/or mobile phone number) to our contractors, if required for their verification of your identity, compliance with their security policies, or for the purposes of enabling them to contact you in the course of your application for AXS.

We may also collect, use and disclose personal data for other purposes, if required or permitted by law.

In the event that your job application is successful, we will use the personal data that you have provided, including personal data about third parties, for personnel on-boarding administration, which may include disclosing your personal data to our third party agents for the purposes of conducting further background checks (if required), processing any employee benefits accorded to you, and arranging for any routine pre-employment medical checkups.

By providing us with personal data, you agree to the terms of this policy and you consent for yourself to our collection, use and disclosure of personal data on these terms. If you provide third party personal data to us such as the personal data of your spouse, children and/or family members, by doing so, you confirm that you have obtained their respective consents to our collection, use and disclosure of their personal data on these terms.

Retention of personal data

We will retain personal data for a reasonable period in accordance with our legal and business purposes, even if your job application is unsuccessful.

We do not usually retain unsuccessful job applications for more than 1 year.

Access to/Correction and/or Withdrawal of personal data

If you wish to correct update/have access to and/or withdraw personal data we have collected from you, please let us know. Please see How To Contact Us at the end of this policy.

How to contact us

If you have questions or requests concerning the personal data you have submitted to us in connection with a job application, you may contact us at dpo@axs.com.sg or at:

AXS Pte Ltd

61 Mohamed Sultan Road

Sultan Link #01-11

Singapore 239001

Attention: Data Protection Officer

Telephone: 6389 7979

Amendments and updates

We may revise this policy from time to time without any prior notice and we will make available the updated policy on our website (www.axs.com.sg). You may determine if any such revision has taken place by referring to the date on which this policy was last updated. Your continued participation in our recruitment process constitute your acknowledgement and acceptance of such changes.